Thursday 23 April 2015

Why is Link Building so Important for SEO?

Link building, an important part of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), is the process of exchanging and gaining hyperlinks from other websites in order to boost the number of visitors to your site. In this article, we will look at three reasons why link building should be an important part of any business’ SEO strategy.

Link Building leads to higher Search Engine Rankings

Firstly, and most obviously, link building is so important for SEO because it is one of the most effective ways for your website to achieve higher search engine rankings. When another website links to your site, major search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo, often view that as a vote of confidence in your site, since it must be of high quality for another website to deem it worthy of a link.

Of course, this is open to abuse, and Google has recently cracked down on overuse of link building via regular updates to its Penguin algorithm. Nonetheless, being linked to by other high quality websites who like your work and want to make their users aware of it as well remains an excellent way to achieve higher search engine rankings and enhance your SEO.

Link Building Builds Online Relationships

Business is ultimately about creating and sustaining mutually beneficial relationships, and that is true both offline and online. Therefore, it is important for your web based business to engage with others in the online community and build relationships that can help you both succeed.

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Link building achieves this aim because it requires strategic interaction with others in your industry in order to promote each other’s creative content. This enhances your reputation and builds trust in your business, driving traffic to your site.

For example, a football fan who blogs about their team might occasionally write articles for a larger fan site. Both gain from this online relationship, since the fan site receives more high quality content and the blogger gains recognition and credibility, as well as a link to their blog where users can read more of their work. Link building leads to more win-win relationships like this.

Link Building Builds Your Brand

Linked to the last point about building online relationships, link building is also helpful for SEO because it builds your brand. Building your brand online is important because it generates trust from customers, as well as informing them about who you are and what you do. Branding also distinguishes your company from competitors.

Good link building builds your brand by getting your name known online and growing your popularity. Moreover, other sites linking to your content shows how high quality and professional it is, establishing your site as a respectable authority in the relevant online community.


Link building is so important for SEO because, if done well, it can effectively push your site up search engine results, as well as building your brand and mutually beneficial online relationships. Taken as a whole, these factors can only be good for your website’s SEO and also your business more generally.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Will Parallax Scrolling still be used in 2015?

Parallax scrolling has recently taken the web design world by storm, particularly growing in popularity last year. But does the trend have a future in 2015 or is it just a passing fad? To reach a verdict, we take a closer look at what parallax scrolling is and then assess its benefits and drawbacks.

What is parallax scrolling?

Parallax scrolling is an ingenious innovation in website design that has its origins in computer graphics for video games. Involving moving background images at different speeds to foreground images in order to create an illusion of depth in 2D video games, the concept of parallax scrolling was first applied to web design by Ian Coyle, who created Nike’s “Better World” site in 2011. 

Parallax websites alter the pace at which a single page site’s background moves relative to other features on the page to engineer an exciting and enticing visual effect that has many creative applications.

The benefits of parallax scrolling

Perhaps the principal benefit of parallax scrolling is wowing viewers with exceptional animation and graphics that really intrigues and engages them on a visual level. The aesthetic appeal of a website is always important, and there are few, if any, better ways of ensuring awesome aesthetics than through the use of parallax scrolling.

Moreover, visitors often thoroughly enjoy the entertaining story-telling approach of sites with parallax scrolling and are engaged by its interactive nature. As a result, they are more likely to explore your site for longer and in greater depth.

The drawbacks of parallax scrolling

Users may stay longer on your page, but that’s only if they manage to find it in the first place. Unfortunately, parallax scrolling arguably makes that less likely as it negatively effects a site’s SEO. This is because websites with a single page only have one set of Meta information, one URL and one H1 tag.

Furthermore, single page sites tend to take longer to load, perhaps putting off less patient users, and parallax scrolling is incompatible with responsive and mobile web design, rendering it less effective at engaging users on the go.

There are many benefits and several drawbacks to using parallax scrolling, and it is crucial that each company considers their own individual circumstances when determining whether parallax scrolling is right for their website.

However, it is fair to conclude that parallax scrolling is here to stay and certainly has a future in 2015. Big and well-known companies, including Volkswagen, Jacob’s Creek and Rimmel London to name but a few, have produced high quality websites with parallax scrolling and there’s no reason to believe that others won’t follow suit as more and more businesses realise the substantial benefits of eye-catching and innovative parallax websites and seek to show off their creative side to customers.